Think of a time in your life when a "coincidence” happened that was so impressive and unbelievable it left you standing there completely slack-jawed and baffled.
Well, my friends, if you ask me, there's no such thing as coincidence. What's actually happening is this little thing called synchronicity.
Ever happen to look at the clock when it’s 11:11, 7:11, 4:44, 2:22, or 3:33?
These are Angel numbers- signs from Spirit (aka dead homies) or our Guardian Angels, which are meant to provide reassurance about a question we have in our life.
Have you ever noticed a hummingbird, dragonfly, or butterfly looking at you dead-on? Have you seen a white or gray feather right in front of you? Yes, at first you might write these off as random nothings, but if you want- you can see these as I do; as mile markers from above to help keep us on our intended path to personal growth.
If you don’t currently notice synchronicity in your life, you probably will now that they’ve been brought to your consciousness by reading this post- that’s how it works.
Once you open yourself to seeing it, it will pop up over and over again.
Psychologist Carl Jung, who coined the term synchronicity, explains that when multiple meaningful occurrences happen, it’s no coincidence- but a type of psychological and spiritual experience intended to guide your soul-force into motion. It’s designed to give us a push in a general direction. The entire path may not be initially revealed, but with a trusting connection to our intuition, it can become obvious- if we choose to follow the signs.